True or False: Can You Cook Chips in a Multi Cooker?

Who doesn’t love a good chip? Whether it’s a late-night snack or a game-day treat, chips have won hearts worldwide. But what if you’re tired of the store-bought versions and you’re craving something homemade? The multicooker—a device known for its versatility. But can you cook chips in a multi cooker?

Keep reading to find out!

Quick Answer: Can You Cook Chips in a Multi Cooker?

Yes, you can!

With the right techniques and some simple steps. You can create crispy, delicious chips in a multi-cooker.

But as with any culinary endeavor, there’s a bit more to it.

Let’s go deeper.

How to Cook Chips in a Multi-Cooker?

Since you may never do it before, here are some of the easy steps you can follow:

Step 1: Pick Your Potatoes

Opt for high-starch potatoes like Russets. They deliver the crispiness we all crave.

Step 2: Cut and Soak

Cut the potatoes into chip-like slices and soak them in cold water for at least 30 minutes. This helps remove excess starch and results in a crispier chip.

Step 3: Season Well

Drain the potatoes and pat them dry. Toss them in olive oil and your choice of seasonings.

Step 4: Use the Right Setting

Select the “Fry” or “Sauté” setting on your multi cooker, depending on your model. Heat the oil to the desired temperature.

Step 5: Cook in Batches

Add a single layer of chips to the multi-cooker. Cook until golden and crispy, usually about 5–10 minutes.

Step 6: Enjoy!

Once the chips are done, remove them and place them on a paper towel to absorb any extra oil. Then serve and savor!

Comparing Multi-Cooker Chips to Other Methods

As you change the method of making chips the taste and presentation change. So, below are two methods showing their outcomes:

1. Oven-Baked Chips

Oven-baked chips require preheating and longer cooking times, which means more energy consumption. In contrast, multi-cookers often reach the desired temperature quickly and maintain it, making the process more efficient.

2. Deep-Fried Chips

Deep frying is the traditional way to make chips, but it uses a lot of oil. Multi-cookers allow for less oil usage, making the chips a bit healthier.

Tips for the Perfect Multi-Cooker Chips

  • Don’t Overcrowd: Cooking too many chips at once can make them soggy. Cook in batches for the best results.
  • Adjust Temperature: Multi cookers often have adjustable temperature settings. Make sure to use this feature for optimal crispiness.
  • Shake It Up: Give the chips a good shake midway through cooking. This ensures even cooking and crispiness.
  • Check for Done-ness: Use a fork to check if the chips are cooked to your liking. If they’re easy to pierce, they’re done.

Last Words

To sum it up, now you know the answer about can you cook chips in a multi cooker? Yet you can also do so in an efficient and health-conscious manner. Follow the steps above, and you’re sure to have a batch of mouth-watering chips that will be the talk of your next gathering.

Ready to take your chip game to the next level

Your multi-cooker is more than up to the task.

Happy cooking!


What Type of Oil Should I Use for Making Chips?

For optimal results, use oils with high smoke points like canola, vegetable, or peanut oil. These oils can withstand higher temperatures, making them ideal for achieving that perfect crispiness.

Can I Use Sweet Potatoes Instead of Regular Potatoes?

Absolutely! Sweet potatoes make a great alternative. Just keep in mind that they have a different texture and may require a slightly longer cooking time. If you want a crispy finish.

How Do I Store Leftover Chips Cooked in a Multi Cooker?

If you find yourself with leftover chips, store them in an airtight container after they've cooled down. For even better results, place a paper towel in the container to absorb any excess moisture.

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Emma Bennett
Emma Bennett

Hi! I'm Emma Bennett, a passionate home cook and your go-to expert for everything related to multi-cookers. Through this blog, I aim to share reviews, clever kitchen hacks, delicious recipes, and guides that cater to both beginners and seasoned food lovers.

My mission is to simplify your cooking experience and enrich it with flavors. So you can infuse joy into every meal you create.

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